Step by Step Procedure for How to Add Facebook Like Box

I would like Discussing about what are necessity we have to add Facebook like box in Blog. After Google the famous and popular social networking site is Facebook. As per My enquiry Facebook users per Month is $1.200 million users. For getting traffic or promotion through Facebook is more. When you are publishing post on Face book you get more response like more Likes and shares from user it means your post is useful, interesting and unique. Interesting user/people like your page and follow-up your latest updates. You directly show the user interest on your blog through Facebook Page. Another benefit is we are providing facility to like your Facebook page directly.

Are you Ready for Adding Face book like box to your Blogger?

  • Search for Facebook like box in Google
  • In that Have Page Plug-in
  • After Click on Page Plug-in your get the following
  • Facebook Page URL: Add your Facebook page URL
  • Place your Facebook Id
  • (
  • Tabs: Display displayed photos either timeline, Messages, Events.
  • Width: Width of the page.
  • Height: Height of the Page.
  • And Checkbox tool in selection box
  • Use Small Header
  • Adapt to plug-in container width
  • Hide cover photo
  • Show Friends Faces
  • In the above choices place your preferred choice manually and after selecting Click on Get Code button. After click on the link it will display some code.

How to Add Code in Blogger?

  • Goto Blogger Account with your username and password
  • In Blogger Dashboard click on Template button on that click Edit HTML
  • In Template code search for <body> tag it will display the body tag and Just copy the first code and paste after opening of <body>tag.
  • Next save the arrangements.
  • Next Goto blogger Dashboard and click on layout Button on that select your preferred place (left, right, top, and bottom) for adding Facebook like box in your layout.
  • Take HTML/JavaScript gadget for adding code. Just page second display code on Gadget and save.
  • Now Refresh the page and check its working or Not.